
Showing posts from August, 2020

Controlling a Stepper Motor using a WPF application

I started off this project wanting to dig deeper into using Serial Communication to control an Arduino-connected actuator. Previously, I had seen certain projects switching LED’s on and off using WinForms. Although WinForms is great, I wanted to go a step above that. My goal was to create an interactive UI, which was a little more intuitive to use. In this case, creating a dial-like interface that the user could move would help them visualize clearly what direction they want their motor to point to. As opposed to typing in an angular value in a text box, which is decidedly less intuitive. Since WinForms is limited, I knew I had to use WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). I’ve seen people build amazing WPF apps on Youtube, and thought it would fit this project. Also, it would serve as hands-on practice with XAML and C#. (Since I will be needing to use them in a later project). Required Components: 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor ULN2003 Motor Driver Board Arduino UNO (or an...